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Cocktails and party drinks

Cocktails and party drinks

A party wouldn't be complete without delicious festive drinks! Cocktails and festive drinks add a touch of fun to any celebration. We will present you original cocktail recipes, punch ideas and non-alcoholic drinks to satisfy all tastes.

Margarita :

A timeless classic, the margarita is refreshing and delicious. Prepare it with lime juice, tequila, triple sec and serve it in a margarita glass with salt on the rim.

Piña Colada :

This tropical drink is perfect for a summer party. Mix white rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk in a blender with ice, then serve in a glass decorated with a slice of pineapple.

Mojito :

Another classic cocktail, the mojito, is both refreshing and invigorating. Mix white rum, lime juice, sugar, fresh mint leaves and sparkling water in a cocktail glass filled with ice.

Sangria :

Sangria is a fruity and festive drink. Combine red wine, brandy, orange juice, lemon juice, sugar, and chunks of fresh fruit (like oranges, lemons, and strawberries) in a large pitcher. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

Spritz à l'Aperol :

Ce cocktail italien est devenu très populaire ces dernières années. Mélangez de l'Aperol, du Prosecco et de l'eau gazeuse dans un verre à vin rempli de glace. Garnissez d'une tranche d'orange.

Mimosa :

Ideal for festive brunches, mimosa is simple to prepare. Pour champagne or sparkling wine into a champagne flute, then add fresh orange juice. You can also try other fruit juices like grapefruit or cranberry juice.

Punch aux fruits :

Make a fruit punch by mixing different fruit juices (such as pineapple, orange, mango, or grenadine) with rum or vodka. Add fresh fruit slices and ice cubes to a large pitcher for a festive presentation.

Mocktails sans alcool : Don't forget to offer non-alcoholic options for guests who don't drink alcohol. Prepare colorful and refreshing mocktails using fruit juices, sodas, syrups and cool toppings. You can also create custom mocktails by adding fresh herbs or citrus for extra flavor.

Don't forget to provide enough water and soft drinks so everyone can stay hydrated throughout the party. When planning, consider your guests' dietary preferences and restrictions, and make sure you have the ingredients and

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